Know Your Pulse

Learn to

measure your pulse

and reduce your

risk of a


Know your pulse


A patient group event to raise awareness of measuring a pulse.


In fact, an irregular pulse is relatively easy to detect and can reduce your chance of having a stroke.

Resulting in

We invited 500 people at risk of an irregular pulse.

139 attended and we found one person who who was not previously diagnosed and arranged treatment.

Know your pulse was an event at our practice in April 2017 to increase awareness of atrial fibrillation (AF). In general, this is an irregular rhythm of the heart which is a major risk factor for causing a stroke. So simple to detect and easy to treat. Above all, a big thank Ron and Ammu from Chelwest Hospital for their support in running this clinic. We’ve run many of these types of events at our practice in practice and online.

Invitations were to 500 people at risk but without a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. 139 people attended. we found 1 person who had atrial fibrillation but wasn’t aware and arranged further investigations for a few more. We also used this opportunity to measure blood pressure and carry out some general health education.

In London in the next 24 hours

In summary, atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart heartbeat which is which people may not know that they have. It affects 0.5% of the population. As a matter of fact, in London, in the next day, there will be 10 strokes with people with AF. 6 didn’t know they had AF. They could have been treated with blood thinning medication. Of these, 3 will go home, 5 will go to residential care and 2 will die.

In London, in the next day, there will be 10 strokes with people with atrial fibrillation. 6 did’t know they had atrial fibrillation.

Of these, 3 will go home, 5 will go to residential care and 2 will die.

It is relatively easy to screen for an AF. Measuring your pulse is a good place to start. So we thought we’d do our bit. So why not check your pulse today?

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